Results for "Cameroon"


    • Clementina Njang Yong

      Comment on "The Problem of Widowhood"

      ...w that in the past as the participants in these Mbatu, chomba, Nsongwa; and Bambui, Bambili, sabga and Finge fondoms all the North West Region of Cameroon pointed out, widows suffered...

      • Belinda

        Comment on "Not This Time"

        Hello Patrick, You are very right when you say that this issue is more of an African issue. Cause I've also experienced that in Cameroon. And you know it really aches me when I hear t...

        • Clementina Njang Yong

          Comment on "The Problem of Widowhood"

          ...are no violations and that violators are sanctioned accordingly.One thing we should understand about widows in parts of the North West Region of Cameroon is the fact that they do not...