Results for "Mombassa, Kenya"



    • Patrick Chinedu Enwerem

      Comment on "Not This Time"

      Dear Samuel, I like your post, but I want you to know that these vices you talked about are not peculiar to Kenya. It is a global problem, or b...


      • Samuel Onyango

        Fat belly leaders

        It is disappointing that at this day and age, and despite the fact that Kenya has passed a new constitution that aims at ending impunity. the kenyan MPs have gone ahead and again and they do not pay taxes. Kenya has many areas which need res...

        • Samuel Onyango

          Not This Time

          2013 is electioneering year in Kenya. Every other years past, youths have been used by politicians to instill fear among opponents, bribed to give their votes and used to carry out di...

        Discussion topics

          • Johannes Odhiambo


            Our MPS in the 10th parliament has added themselves over ksh...ce apart from kshs 825m gratuity and at night when kenyans are a sleep last week. Why...'t we provock the constitutional power as ordinary Kenyan voters to compell the disolu...

          Wire posts

            • DANIEL OKELLO

              I think we need to remind our Leaders in kenya that Leadership principles work and that ethnicity does not bring harmony and team work !

              • Johannes Odhiambo

                Constitutional Crisis is looming so high in Kenya with MPs passing anti-constitutional legislations against Kenyans expectation.CHANGE NOW!!

              • +2 more Wire posts

